Article 1.
1.1. Full name in English: International Association for Information Technology.
1.2. Abbreviation in English: IAIT.
Article 2.
Legal status of the Association.
2.1. The International Association of Information Technologies, hereinafter referred to as “the Association”, is an organization established on a voluntary basis to represent and protect common interests, to achieve socially useful goals, to assist its members in carrying out their activities, as well as for the purposes not contradicting international legislative norms and having a non-commercial nature, as provided for by this Charter.
2.2. The Association uses in its activities an emblem, which is a combination of graphic and textual elements included in the distinctive sign belonging to the Association. It is allowed to execute the emblem in black and white or in color, preserving the contrast perception of the image.
2.3. The Association may own property transferred by members of the Association, third parties or acquired by the Association in its own name; acquire and exercise property and non-property rights; enter into civil and labor contracts, bear responsibility; be a plaintiff and defendant in court (including arbitration court).
2.4. The Association does not have profit making as the main purpose of its activity and does not distribute the received profit among its members.
2.5. The Association has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities corresponding to the goals for which it was created, creating business companies and participating in them. The income-generating activity is:
2.5.1. Organization and participation in holding various events, festivals, exhibitions, fairs, congresses, thematic meetings, including international ones within the framework of statutory activities;
2.5.2. Contribute to the production and distribution of printed, audio and video products, including on digital media, of a production, informational, scientific, training and educational nature, products on the subject of the Organization;
2.5.3. Assistance in the development and realization of software, registration of software patents in accordance with the purposes of the Association establishment.
Article 3.
Responsibilities of the Association.
3.1. The Association is responsible for its obligations with all property belonging to it. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of its members, the members of the Association are not responsible for the obligations of the Association.
Article 4.
The purposes and object of the Association’s activities.
4.1. The Association is organized for the purpose of:
4.1.1. Creation of necessary and favorable conditions for realization and maximum disclosure of potential of the Association members in the field of information technologies.
4.1.2. Comprehensive support and assistance to the development of the information technology sector;
4.1.3. Representation and protection of general, including professional interests of the Association members, whose sphere of activity is directly or indirectly related to the sphere of information technologies;
4.1.4. Coordination of activities of the Association members in the development of effective mechanisms for the implementation of international policy in the field of information technologies;
4.2. The subject matter of the Association’s activities shall be:
4.2.1. Facilitating the development of information service infrastructure for the Association members in accordance with the objectives of the Association’s establishment;
4.2.2. Development and implementation of various events and actions aimed at
support of the Association members and popularization of the sphere of professional activity of programmers and IT specialists;
4.2.3. Creation of conditions and organization of events for communication, broadening of outlook, exchange of knowledge and experience, for joint work and leisure activities of the Association members;
4.2.4. Unification of the Association members and coordination of their activities to solve urgent issues related to the Association’s activities aimed at the development of information technology sphere;
4.2.5. Representation and protection of legal rights and interests of the Association members in relations with public authorities and organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms;
4.2.6. Create and implement programs and projects to develop, upgrade, test and support software;
4.2.7. To carry out activities on scientific research aimed at the development of information protection methods and development on creation of new and/or modernization of existing samples of information protection software in accordance with the objectives of the Association;
4.2.8. Facilitating the formation of a professional training system for developers and other IT specialists;
4.2.9. Providing consulting, information, methodological, reference, legal assistance to the members of the Association;
4.2.10. Organization and holding of events, congresses, round tables, thematic meetings, seminars, webinars, schools, conferences, symposiums, meetings, forums and exhibitions in accordance with the objectives of the establishment of the Association;
4.2.11. Issue and disseminate informational materials to address the Association’s objectives;
4.2.12. To develop and publish, in its own name or in cooperation with other organizations, articles, manuals, textbooks, handbooks, guides, manuals and training materials in accordance with the purposes of the Association, both in hard copy and electronic form;
4.2.13. Assist in the creation and development of information, consulting, reference, educational resources, media projects in accordance with the goals of the Association;
4.2.14. Assistance in the production of films, television programs and audiovisual works in the field of radio broadcasting and television in accordance with the Association’s subject matter and the goals of its establishment;
4.2.15. Carrying out information and publishing activities in mass media, information networks on the Association’s topics;
4.2.16. Assistance in production and distribution of printed, audio and video products, including on digital media, of production, informational, scientific, educational and enlightening nature, products on the Association’s subjects.
4.3. In order to realize the purposes provided for in these Bylaws, the Association shall have the right to:
4.3.1. Cooperate with state bodies, local self-government bodies, law enforcement agencies, commercial and non-profit organizations, international governmental and non-governmental organizations;
4.3.2. To exchange work experience and information within the scope of statutory activities, to conclude agreements on cooperation and joint activities to achieve the statutory objectives of the Association;
4.4.3. To contribute to the development and discussion of draft laws, regulations and state programs on issues related to the objectives of the Association’s activities;
4.4.4. To challenge in court the acts of public authorities violating the rights and legitimate interests of the Association members;
4.4.5. To participate in international programs, projects and events together with other organizations for effective implementation of the Association’s goals;
4.4.6. To facilitate the resolution of disputes arising between members of the Association, as well as between members of the Association and third parties;
4.4.7. To establish special scholarships, awards, honors and grants for the Association;
4.4.8. To encourage members of the Association and others for active work to fulfill the statutory objectives of the Association;
4.4.9. To attract investments aimed at improving the material and technical base of the Association to achieve the goals for which it was created;
4.4.10. To attract on a voluntary basis funds of interested individuals and legal entities to achieve the statutory goals of the Association;
4.4.11. To carry out financing of programs, projects and other activities in accordance with the purposes of establishment of the Association;
4.4.12. To create and develop own scientific and technical, information, methodological, production and service bases.
Article 5.
Sources of formation of the Association’s property.
5.1. The sources of formation of the Association’s property shall be:
5.1.1. Voluntary property contributions and donations;
5.1.2. Earmarked Contributions;
5.1.3. Revenue from the sale of goods, works or services;
5.1.4. Dividends (income, interest) received on stocks, bonds, other securities and deposits;
5.1.5. Revenues derived from Association property;
5.1.6. Other revenues not prohibited by statutory provisions.
5.2. Property transferred to the Association shall be the property of the Association.
Article 6.
The term of the Association shall be.
6.1. The Association shall be established without limitation on the duration of the activity.
Article 7.
Membership in the Association.
7.1. Membership in the Association shall be subdivided into Honorary Members and Resident Members of the Association.
7.2. Honorary members of the Association :
7.2.1. Honorary members of the Association may be individuals who have reached the age of majority with unique extraordinary abilities and have achieved international recognition for significant contributions and outstanding achievements in the development of information technology, only by Special invitation of the “Association”, an official Letter of invitation
7.2.2. Honorary members of the Association are members of the Competition Committee (jury), if the Association decides to announce the competition. The competition commission makes decisions on the formation of the List of applicants, as well as on the results of the evaluation, determines the Winners of the competition
7.2.3. Honorary members of the Association are awarded with a nominal certificate of Honorary Member for outstanding achievements in the field of information technology
7.2.4. Honorary members of the Association are awarded with the Badge of the Honorary Member of the Association.
7.3. Residents of the Association:
7.3.1. Residents of the Association may be legal entities or individuals who have reached the age of majority, have outstanding achievements, share the goals and objectives of the Association, comply with the requirements of this Charter, and are directly involved in the work of the Association;
7.3.2 Admission of a new Resident is carried out by submitting a written application on the recommendation of an active member of the Association addressed to the Director of the Association. The applicant is considered accepted after the release of the decision of the Expert Council of the Association
7.3.3. Residents of the Association must pay a monthly membership fee
Article 8.
Rights of Members of the Association.
8.1. Members of the Association shall have the right to:
8.1.1. To participate in the management of the Association’s affairs, including the election of the Association’s management bodies;
8.1.2. Only Honorary Members of the Association may be elected to the governing bodies of the Association;
8.1.2. At his/her own discretion to withdraw from the Association membership on the basis of a written application in accordance with the procedure established by these Articles of Association and internal documents of the Association;
8.1.3. To receive a document confirming membership in the Association;
8.1.4. To appeal against decisions of the Association bodies, entailing civil legal consequences, in cases and according to the procedure stipulated by the international legislation;
8.1.5. To challenge, acting on behalf of the Association, the transactions made by the Association on the grounds provided for by international legislation and to demand the application of the consequences of their invalidity, as well as the application of the consequences of invalidity of void transactions of the Association.
8.2. Members of the Association may have other rights provided for by international legislation, this Charter, decisions of the Association’s governing bodies.
Article 9.
Duties of the Association’s members.
9.1. Members of the Association shall:
9.1.1. Actively participate in the Association’s activities, contribute to the expansion of the scale and scope of the Association’s activities, enhance the prestige and effectiveness of its work, expand and strengthen international cooperation;
9.1.2. Comply with the Charter of the Association, rules and requirements established by the Association for its members;
9.1.3. To contribute to the achievement of the statutory objectives of the Association, including through the implementation of priority areas of the Association’s development;
9.1.4. To fulfill the decisions of the governing bodies of the Board of the Association;
9.1.5. Timely and in full make entrance (one-time), membership (regular), target and additional contributions to the property of the Association in the amount determined by the General Meeting of Members and in the manner prescribed by this Charter;
9.1.6. To participate in the formation of the Association’s property in the necessary amount in the order, manner and within the terms determined by the General Meeting of Association members;
9.1.7. Participate in decisions without which the Association cannot continue to operate;
9.1.8. Not to commit acts that may prejudice the legitimate interests of the Association or its members;
9.1.9. Not to commit acts knowingly intended to cause harm to the Association;
9.1.10. Not to commit acts that substantially impede or make impossible the achievement of the purposes for which the Association was created;
9.1.11. Not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Association;
9.1.12. To provide, at the request of the governing bodies of the Association, information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Association;
9.1.13. To fulfill to the fullest extent the responsibilities assumed for the Association.
9.2. The members of the Association may also have other obligations stipulated by the norms of international law.
Article 10.
Admission to the Presidency of the Association.
10.1. The decision on admission to the Association is made by the Expert Council of the Association on the basis of an application submitted by a Resident Applicant;
10.2. If necessary, a presidential candidate may address the Expert Council of the Association as an expert and substantiate information about his experience and skills in the field of information technology;
10.3. The applicant for membership in the Association, as a Resident, must familiarize himself with the Charter of the Association, with the requirements established by the Association for Residents, internal documents;
10.4. The specified information is sent by the Association to the Applicant for Residency along with an Invitation to his email address or other means of document delivery.
Article 11.
Withdrawal of Residents of the Association from the Association.
11.1. The President of the Association has the right to withdraw from the Association’s Residents at any time at his discretion.
11.2. In order to exercise the right to withdraw, the President of the Association must submit an appropriate application addressed to the Director of the Association. A document issued by the Association confirming Residency in the Association must be attached to the application for withdrawal. Residency in the Association is terminated from the moment the Expert Council decides to exclude a Resident of the Association who has submitted an application to leave the Association.
11.3. The President of the Association is not entitled to receive, upon leaving the Association, a part of its property or the value of this property, including within the value of the property transferred by the Resident of the Association to his ownership.
Article 12.
Governing Bodies of the Association.
12.1. The governing bodies of the Association shall be:
12.1.1. General Meeting of Members of the Association;
12.1.2. Expert Council of the Association;
12.1.3. Director of the Association.
12.2. By decision of the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association, the powers of the elected governing bodies of the Association may be terminated prematurely in the event of:
12.2.1. Gross violation of their duties;
12.2.2. Detected failures to properly conduct business;
12.2.3. Their repeated violation of the requirements of this Charter;
12.2.4. Causing damage by their actions (inaction) to the reputation (prestige) of the Association or its participants;
12.2.5. Failure to comply with the decisions of the General Meeting of Honorary Members, experts of the Association and other governing bodies of the Association adopted within their competence;
12.2.6. If there are other good reasons;
12.2.7. Voluntary withdrawal by personal statement.
12.3. Upon termination of the powers of the elected governing bodies of the Association, all documents related to the activities of the Association shall be transferred to the Director of the Association on an inventory.
12.4. The management bodies of the Association are obliged to comply with the requirements of current international legislation in their activities, be guided by the requirements of this Charter and the decisions of the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association.
Article 13.
Expert Council of the Association.
13.1. The Expert Council of the Association is a permanent collegial executive body of the Expert Council of the Association. The Expert Council performs its duties in accordance with the Charter of the Association.
13.2. The composition of the Association’s Expert Council is chosen from outstanding IT specialists from all over the world.
13.3. The members of the Expert Council of the Association are recognized international experts in the field of information technology
13.4. At the establishment of the Association, the composition of the Expert Council of the Association is formed for a period of 5 (five) years. In the future, other experts in the field of information technology may be elected to the Expert Council of the Association for a period of 5 (five) years.
13.5. The work of the Expert Council of the Association shall be coordinated by the Director of the Association.
13.6. Meetings of the Expert Council of the Association are convened by the Director of the Association as necessary, but at least once a quarter. An extraordinary meeting of the Expert Council may also be convened at the request of at least half of the members of the Expert Council.
13.7. The date, place and time of the meeting of the Expert Council of the Association, as well as its agenda shall be notified to the members of the Expert Council of the Association no later than one week prior to the date of the meeting.
13.8. The meeting of the Expert Council of the Association is opened by the Chairman of the meeting, whose duties are performed by the Director of the Association, and in his absence, one of the Honorary Members of the Expert Council of the Association.
13.9. The meeting of the Expert Council of the Association is valid if it is attended by more than half of the Honorary Members of the Expert Council of the Association. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the Honorary Members of the Expert Council present at the meeting, by open or closed (secret) voting. Each Honorary Member of the Expert Council of the Association has one vote.
13.10. The decisions of the Expert Council of the Association shall be communicated to all Honorary Members of the Expert Council of the Association within 5 (five) working days after the meeting and formalized by a protocol signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the meeting, elected from among the Honorary Members of the Expert Council present at the meeting. The Director is responsible for storing the minutes of the meetings of the Expert Council of the Association.
Article 14.
Director of the Association.
14.1. The Director of the Association is the sole executive body of the Association, acting without power of attorney on behalf of the Association;
14.2. The Director of the Association shall act solely in the interests of the Association and shall be personally responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him/her;
14.3. The Director of the Association is accountable to the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association and the Board of the Association;
14.4. Director of the Association:
14.4.1. Acts on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney, including representing its interests and making transactions;
14.4.2. Shall have general supervision of all activities of the Association;
14.4.3. Carries out general management of the activities of committees, commissions, sections, associations and working groups created by the Association;
14.4.4. Approves the rules, procedures and other internal documents of the Association, with the exception of documents, the approval of which is attributed by this Charter to the competence of the General Meeting of Honorary Members;
14.4.5. Submits to the General Meeting of Honorary Members the candidacies of new Honorary Members of the Expert Council of the Association;
14.4.6. Submits for consideration by the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association the issue of early termination of the activities of Honorary Members of the Expert Council of the Association and other officials of the Association;
14.4.7. Prepares materials, drafts and proposals on issues submitted for consideration by the General Meeting of Honorary Members;
14.4.8. Ensures the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association, the implementation of programs, projects and activities of the Association;
14.4.9. Within its competence, makes decisions and issues orders, orders and other acts on the activities of the Association, which are mandatory for Honorary Members and staff of the Association;
14.4.10. Manages the property of the Association within the limits established by the General Meeting of Honorary Members of the Association and this Charter;
14.4.11. On behalf of the Association, it interacts with state authorities, local self-government bodies, state, commercial and non-profit foreign and international organizations, and citizens;
14.4.12. Organizes attraction of investments for expansion of the Association’s sphere of activity, financing of its projects and programs;
14.4.13. Exercises other powers not included in the competence of other bodies of the Association.
International Association of Information Technology
Anders Hejlsberg